Fresh Diagnose 8.57 ML + Portable Free Download

Fresh Diagnose 8.57 ML + Portable | 2.1/3.38 Mb

Fresh Diagnose is a complete and comprehensive tool for diagnosing and benchmarking your computer. It supplies many informations about both hardware and software system of your computer, its multimedia system, devices installed in it, and its resources. Also included, several benchmark tests to find out really, reliably, and exactly the capability indexes of your hardwares. It also supports printing and saving in multiple format : plain-text, html, rtf and doc. Fresh Diagnose analyzes and benchmarks different kinds of hardware, such as CPU performance, hard disk performance, video system information, motherboard information and much more.

Features of Fresh Diagnose:
-System Information: Scanning your system and give a complete report about your computer's hardware and software, for examples: mainboard information, video system information, PCI / AGP buses information, peripheral (keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.) information, Windows registry settings, and network information.
-System Benchmarks: Testing your system performance, such as CPU, hard disk, CD/DVD ROM, and compare it with other systems.

Download Here Via Filesonic  + Portable Here Via Filesonic
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