Software Extensis Suitcase Fusion 3 v14.0.6.205 Free Download
Extensis Suitcase Fusion 3 v14.0.6.205 | 95MB
Suitcase Fusion - the industry's only solution for font management, with capacity to automatically activate the exact values, recovery functions, mechanisms, organization and preview fonts, as well as means of eliminating duplicate font elements. The decision to avoid the various difficulties associated with managing fonts, and provides a repository for centralized storage, easy font activation mechanisms, as well as the means of verifying the integrity and identification of new fonts
Font Vault repository uses modern technology Font Sense, which ensures highly accurate identification of fonts and easy duplication of professional quality. Thanks to the Suitcase Fusion users will forget to activate special fonts manually. The program will perform the specified operation automatically in the process of opening the document. In addition, Suitcase Fusion automatically groups the fonts on classifications, manufacturers, and families and will create their own classifications and change them to preview the fonts and create easy sets used in various professional fields.
Some features of Suitcase Fusion 3:
Reliable avtoaktivatsii
• Focus on your work on your system. Suitcase Fusion plug-in comes with three avtoaktivatsii professional level for a critical project and application publishing.
• Plug avtoaktivatsii for Adobe ® InDesign ® and Illustrator ® CS5/4/3, Photoshop ® CS5 / 4 and QuarkXPress ® 8 / 7
• Sets the application to activate the fonts every time you launch the selected application.
• Automatically activates the exact headset to keep applications *
• Auto-activate fonts in embedded or connected objects *
• Automatically deactivate fonts when the document - closed *
• Use of patented technology Font Sense ™, to ensure accurate and precise matching font auto-activation *
• Easily manage the global preference for each application avtoaktivatsii
Powerful interactive previews
• Suitcase Fusion 3 gives you an unprecedented preview of the font options.
• Preview any text using any font. See how the headset
stacked side by side, even down to their individual glyphs. Tear off a floating
previews or take shots Font to pre-
view your fonts in action.
• The text preview, you can drag onto any live document with Floating previews
• Notice of coding, previews of the show all of its own
characters in certain font surface
• Slider to zoom dynamically adjusts the font size of a continuous preview
• Presentation of the glyph allows you to see all characters supported by the selected font
• Pictures are saved text font quickly preview files PNG
• Create a demonstration page print any previously scanned font
• Review and compare any sets side by side before activating
• Fonts preview Falls, ABC123, paragraph, or dynamically QuickType ™
• Select and activate fonts from the export Preview area
Enabling | reg code: yes
Language: English
File format: rar
Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7
Language: English
File format: rar
Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7
System Requirements
• Windows XP Professional SP3 (32-bit version only), Vista SP1 (32- or 64-bit), or Windows 7 (32- or 64-bit*)
• 1.6GHz or faster processor
• 300MB available hard drive space, plus additional space for fonts
• Internet Explorer 7** or Firefox 3.5 or higher
• Adobe Reader 7 to view PDF documentation
* 32-bit emulated mode only
** Internet Explorer 7 required for Web Preview and auto-update functionality
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