OMSI The Bus Simulator Free Download
Developer & Publisher: Aerosoft | PC | English | DVD ISO | Genre: Simulator
OMSI is a realistic omnibus simulator for your home PC. Go back in time to West Berlin of the late 80s. Be a bus driver on the former omnibus route 92 on a seven mile route across the district of Spandau. Take control of one of the contemporary buses and drive on the roads of Berlin. There are several detailed versions of the MAN double-deckers SD200 and SD202 available from different years of construction.
The realistic replication of each vehicle provides true to original simulation in matters of drivability and amount of operating the vehicle. A high detailed gearbox control, physical simulation of the compressed air system as well as a fully functional IBIS and an impressive sound environment guarantee a near perfect level of reality. The lively outside world surprises the user with a realistic landscape, heavy traffic and lots of animated objects.
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2 komentar:
terus buat apaan kang ini di pc kita?!?!? asli saaiia gag ngerti.. maklum :(
Iya lah gan!Ini khan hanya sekedar game.hehe
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